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Don't Bug Me!

On his stomp off to "Whereverland" the troll takes a short rest, but even the butterflies are an irritant.

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Media: Head, hands & feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature with a cloth body. Painted brown eyes, black mohair. He wears dirty ragged leggings, and dirty patched pants. He has a rabbit fur trimmed brocade tunic over a dirty yellow shirt. Wears a belt of wooden beads and shells.

Props: The stone axe is made from Super Sculpey painted with acrylics. He is sitting on a driftwood stump. Mushrooms and bugs complete the scene.

Height: 28 cm (11")

August 2001

This website designed and maintained by Marianne Reitsma
All informaion and pictures on this site are copyrighted materials owned by MarthaBoers