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Short John Silver

"Polly, want a piece of the action?!?!"

A tongue-in-cheek midget interpretation of a famous pirate.

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Media: Head, hands and wooden leg of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature with a cloth body. Right leg and shoe of coloured Sculpey III. Painted eyes, black mohair curls. Wearing black pants, a beige vest with gold trim, and a red coat with gold trim. Black hat with gold trim and gray feathers.

Props: Wooden sword with sculpted handle, in a leather belt over his shoulder. he holds a paper treasure map, and a green purchased parrot sits on his arm.

Height: 30 cm (12")

October 2001

This website designed and maintained by Marianne Reitsma
All informaion and pictures on this site are copyrighted materials owned by MarthaBoers